perm filename T.LST[144,DBL] blob sn#026388 filedate 1973-02-26 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
MIXAL - MIX Assembly Language
   26-FEB-1973    16:40


0000     + 0000000024        	BLANKS  ORIG *+24      ;These locs. should always be blank.
0024     + 0000000000        	N       CON  0         ;The number of nodes
0025     + 0000000049        	TPL     ORIG *+24      ;The desired total path length
0049     + 0000000000        	LOG     CON  0         ;A sequential linear list, whose i th  element
                             	*                         is Floor(log(i)), where log ≡ (log to base 2).
0050     + 0000000550        	        ORIG *+500     ;I have assumed that n will never be > 500.
0550     + 0000000000        	S       CON  0         ;A sequential linear list whose i th element
                             	*                         is the sum of elements 1 to i of  LOG.
0551     + 0000001051        	        ORIG *+500
1051     + 0000000000        	TREE    CON  0         ;An internal representation of the final tree.
1052     + 0000001552        	        ORIG *+500
         + 0000003500        	ZEROS   EQU  3500     ;An area which remains as zeros.
         + 0000000009        	VISIT   EQU  1:1       ;The field spec. indicating whether or not wehave visited this no1552     + 0000002352        	BUFFER  ORIG *+800     ;This should be ample to hold a finaltree traversal encoding.
2352     + 0000000000        	DIFF    CON  0         ;Holds the difference between the pure  balanced+
                             	*                       tail tree path length, and the desired TPL.
2353     + 0000000000        	XOLD    CON  0         ;Holds the previous path length, in case we went too far.
2354     + 0000000000        	K       CON  0         ;Holds the number of nodes in the balanced part oftree.
2355     + 00 00 00 15 00    	TITLE   ALF    N 
2356     + 00 00 23 17 13    	        ALF   TPL 
2357     + 00 00 00 00 00    	        ALF
2358     + 00 00 00 00 00    	   ALF
2359     + 00 00 00 00 00    	   ALF
2360     + 04 16 24 07 00    	   ALF Doug
2361     + 13 05 15 01 23    	        ALF Lenat
2362     + 00 00 00 00 00    	        ALF
2363     + 03 22 00 31 34    	   ALF CS 14
2364     + 34 01 00 00 17    	        ALF 4A  P
2365     + 19 16 02 13 05    	        ALF roble
2366     + 14 00 00 34 00    	        ALF m  4
2367     + 00 00 00 00 00    	        ALF
2368     + 23 16 23 01 13    	   ALF Total
2369     + 00 17 01 23 08    	        ALF  Path
2370     + 00 13 05 15 07    	        ALF  Leng
2371     + 23 08 00 09 15    	        ALF th in
2372     + 00 02 09 15 01    	        ALF  Bina
2373     + 19 28 00 23 19    	        ALF ry Tr
2374     + 05 05 22 00 00    	        ALF ees
2375     + 0000002380        	        ORIG *+5 
         + 0000000036        	RSON    EQU  4:4       ;Field in a TREE node pointing to right son.
         + 0000000045        	LSON    EQU  5:5       ;Field specification pointing to the left son.
                             	*    note that this restricts n to be under 65; a trivial modification
                             	*       will allow n to range up to 500.If n is requested over 2000, a
                             	*       total revision of the program would be necessary.
         + 0000000037        	SONS    EQU  4:5       ;Field which is blank iff the node is a leaf.
         + 0000000027        	FATHER  EQU  3:3       ;Field spec. pointing to the node's parent.
         + 0000000036        	FIELD   EQU  4:4       ;Field spec. for the field byte of a MIX instruction.
         + 0000000042        	LPAREN  EQU  42
         + 0000000043        	RPAREN  EQU  43
         + 0000000046        	STAR    EQU  46
         + 0000000016        	READER  EQU  16
         + 0000000018        	PRINTER EQU  18
2380     + 0000 00 18 37     	CONTINU OUT BLANKS(PRINTER)
2381     + 0000 00 18 37     	        OUT BLANKS(PRINTER)
2382     + 0024 00 16 36     	START   IN   N(READER) ;Read n. We are permitted the inefficiency of
2383     + 2383 00 16 34     	        JBUS *(READER) ;JBUS instructions. See Knuth and 
                             	*                         my earlier programs for examples
                             	*                         of more efficient I/O.
2384     + 0024 00 05 15     	        LDX  N
2385     + 2387 00 04 47     	        JXNZ *+2       ;Are we finished the final problem in the run??
2386     + 0000 00 02 05     	         HLT           ;     yes; so we halt.
2387     + 2355 00 18 37     	        OUT  TITLE(PRINTER) ;   Here we
                             	*                              write out a title line.
2388     + 0024 00 18 37     	        OUT  N(PRINTER) ;We write n and tpl
2389     + 2389 00 18 34     	        JBUS *(PRINTER) ; while they are still in char. form.
2390     + 0000 00 02 48     	        ENTA 0
2391     + 0000 00 00 05     	        NUM
2392     + 0024 00 05 24     	        STA  N         ;     re-store the numeric value of n.
2393     + 0025 00 05 15     	        LDX TPL        ;Convert TPL from char. code to numeric.
2394     + 0000 00 02 48     	        ENTA 0
2395     + 0000 00 00 05     	        NUM
2396     + 0025 00 05 24     	        STA  TPL
2397     + 1051 00 02 49     	        ENT1 TREE
2398     + 0024 00 05 10     	        LD2  N
2399     + 2400 00 36 26     	        ST2  *+1(FIELD)
2400     + 3500 00 01 07     	        MOVE ZEROS     ;WARNING: INSTRUCTION MODIFICATION HERE.
                             	* The following loop sets up the first n entries in LOG and in S:
2401     + 0000 00 02 49     	        ENT1 0         ;rI1 holds the exponent of the current power of 2.
2402     + 0000 00 02 50     	        ENT2 0         ;rI2 holds the sum of all previous terms.
2403     + 0001 00 02 51     	        ENT3 1         ;rI3 holds 2 to the current power( 2 ↑ <rI1> ).
2404     + 0000 00 02 52     	        ENT4 0         ;rI4 stops us when n terms have been computed.
2405     + 0001 00 02 48     	        ENTA 1         ;rA tells us when to increase the terms of LOG.
2406   ↓ - 0001 00 00 39     	        JMP  LOOP1     ;A standard programming trick, saving n-1 tyme units.
2407     + 0000 03 00 51     	SKIP1   INC3 0,3       ;Double rI3; i.e, increaase its log by 1.
2408     + 0000 03 02 48     	        ENTA 0,3       ;rA tells us when to increase the terms of LOG.
2409     + 0001 00 00 49     	        INC1 1         
2410 ←   + 0000 01 00 50     	LOOP1   INC2 0,1
2411     + 0001 00 00 52     	        INC4 1
2412     + 0550 04 05 26     	        ST2  S,4
2413     + 0049 04 05 25     	        ST1  LOG,4
2414     + 0001 00 01 48     	        DECA 1
2415     + 2410 00 02 40     	        JAP  LOOP1
2416     + 0024 00 05 60     	        CMP4 N
2417     + 2407 00 09 39     	        JLE  SKIP1
                             	*  This loop is the "guts" of the program: we determine how many nodes
                             	*       are in the balanced section, and how many are in the tail.
2418     + 0000 00 02 51     	        ENT3 0         ;rI3 holds the  L*(L+1)/2  term.
2419     + 0024 00 05 13     	        LD5  N         ;rI5 holds K, the number of nodes in the balanced part.
2420     - 0001 00 02 54     	        ENT6 -1        ;rI6 holds L, the number of nodes in the tail.
2421     + 0000 06 01 53     	        DEC5 0,6       ;K must always remain equal to N - L.
2422     + 0001 00 00 54     	LOOP2   INC6 1
2423     + 0001 00 01 53     	        DEC5 1
2424     + 0000 06 00 51     	        INC3 0,6       ;Update this term.
2425     + 2353 00 05 24     	        STA  XOLD
2426     + 0000 06 02 48     	        ENTA 0,6       ;Get the L * Floor(log(k))  term.
2427     + 0049 05 05 03     	        MUL  LOG,5
2428     + 0005 00 02 06     	        SLAX 5
2429     + 0000 03 00 48     	        INCA 0,3       ;The accumulator now contains the sum of terms 1,2.
2430     + 0550 05 05 01     	        ADD  S,5       ;We add in the sum of LOGs from 1 to K: the final term.
2431     + 0025 00 05 56     	        CMPA TPL       ;See if we have gone far enough....
2432     + 2422 00 04 39     	        JL   LOOP2     ;      we haven't;  go back and try again.
                             	*                             WE HAVE SUCCEEDED !!!
2433     + 0025 00 05 08     	        LDA  TPL
2434     + 2353 00 05 02     	        SUB  XOLD
2435     + 2352 00 05 24     	        STA  DIFF
2436     + 0001 00 00 53     	        INC5 1
2437     + 0001 00 01 54     	        DEC6 1
                             	*  Here we set up the tree; only one node will have to be moved.
                             	*  LOOP3 sets up the balanced section of the tree
2438     + 0000 00 02 50     	        ENT2 0         ;rI2 now keeps track of the father node.
2439     + 2354 00 05 29     	        ST5  K
2440     + 0001 00 00 50     	LOOP3   INC2 1
2441     + 0000 02 02 49     	        ENT1 0,2       ;rI1 holds the location of the son(s). In general,
2442     + 0000 02 00 49     	        INC1 0,2       ;  node m will have as children nodes 2m and 2m+1.
2443     + 1051 02 45 25     	        ST1  TREE,2(LSON)
2444     + 1051 01 27 26     	        ST2  TREE,1(FATHER)
2445     + 1051 01 37 33     	        STZ  TREE,1(SONS)
2446     + 2354 00 05 57     	        CMP1 K
2447   ↓ - 0001 00 07 39     	        JGE  SETREE2
2448     + 0001 00 00 49     	        INC1 1
2449     + 1051 02 36 25     	        ST1  TREE,2(RSON)
2450     + 1051 01 27 26     	        ST2  TREE,1(FATHER)
2451     + 1051 01 37 33     	        STZ  TREE,1(SONS)
2452     + 2354 00 05 57     	        CMP1 K
2453     + 2440 00 04 39     	        JL   LOOP3
                             	*  SETREE2 sets up section 2 of the tree: the tail part
2454 ←   + 1052 01 27 25     	SETREE2 ST1  TREE+1,1(FATHER) ;Now rI1 is the father, and rI1+1 is son.
2455     + 0001 00 00 49     	        INC1 1
2456     + 1050 01 45 25     	        ST1  TREE-1,1(LSON)
2457     + 0024 00 05 57     	        CMP1 N
2458     + 2454 00 04 39     	        JL   SETREE2
                             	*  LOOP4 locates a leaf in the balanced section.
2459     + 0000 00 02 49     	        ENT1 0
2460     + 0001 00 00 49     	LOOP4   INC1 1
2461     + 1051 01 37 08     	        LDA  TREE,1(SONS)
2462     + 2460 00 04 40     	        JANZ LOOP4
                             	* Now we have located a leaf. We shall now cut it off the tree:
2463     + 1051 01 27 10     	        LD2  TREE,1(FATHER)
2464     + 0045 00 02 51     	        ENT3 LSON
2465     + 1051 02 45 57     	        CMP1 TREE,2(LSON)
2466     + 2468 00 05 39     	        JE   *+2
2467     + 0036 00 02 51     	        ENT3 RSON      ;rI3 now contains the field spec. pointing to leaf.
2468     + 2469 00 36 27     	        ST3  *+1(FIELD); BE CAREFUL: WE ARE MODIFYING THE NEXT INSTRUCTION!!
2469     + 1051 02 05 33     	        STZ  TREE,2
                             	* Now we see how deep our leaf used to be:
2470     + 0000 00 02 51     	        ENT3 0
2471     + 1051 02 27 10     	LOOP5   LD2  TREE,2(FATHER)
2472     + 0001 00 00 51     	        INC3 1
2473     + 2471 00 02 42     	        J2P  LOOP5
                             	*  rI3 now contains that quantity. Now we examine how far we must move it.
2474     + 0049 05 05 08     	        LDA  LOG,5
2475     + 0001 06 00 48     	        INCA 1,6       ; rA now contains the depth of the deepest node, node n.
2476     + 0000 03 01 48     	        DECA 0,3       ; Subtract the leaf's old depth.
2477     + 2352 00 05 02     	        SUB  DIFF      ; Subtract how many levels down the leaf must be moved.
                             	* The accumulator now contains the number of moves upward from the tip of
                             	*  the tail of the tree  we must make before we insert the leaf back in.
                             	*  we move a pointe upward from the final node this number of levels:
2478     + 0024 00 05 10     	        LD2 N
2479     + 1051 02 27 10     	LOOP6   LD2  TREE,2(FATHER)
2480     + 0001 00 01 48     	        DECA 1
2481     + 2479 00 02 40     	        JAP LOOP6
                             	* Insert the leaf back into the tree at the proper position:
2482     + 1051 01 27 26     	        ST2  TREE,1(FATHER)
2483     + 1051 02 36 25     	        ST1  TREE,2(RSON)
                             	* Print out the final tree in post order:
2484     + 0046 00 02 49     	        ENT1 STAR
2485     + 0042 00 02 48     	        ENTA LPAREN
2486     + 0043 00 02 55     	        ENTX RPAREN
2487     + 0000 00 02 52     	        ENT4 0         ;rI4 holds the present position to be filled in the
                             	*                        output buffer.
2488     + 0001 00 02 53     	        ENT5 1         ;rI5 points to the current position in
                             	*                         the traversal of the tree.
2489   ↓ - 0001 00 00 39     	        JMP LOOP7
2490     + 0001 00 01 52     	L7AA    DEC4 1
2491     + 1051 05 27 13     	LOOP7A  LD5  TREE,5(FATHER)
2492   ↓ - 0001 00 01 45     	        J5Z  LOOP8
2493     + 1552 04 05 31     	        STX  BUFFER,4
2494     + 0001 00 00 52     	        INC4 1
2495 ←   + 1051 05 09 11     	LOOP7   LD3  TREE,5(VISIT)  ;If we have visited this node before, move up one
                             	*                             level, to its father. Else we shall try to go left.
2496     + 2491 00 02 43     	        J3P  LOOP7A
2497     + 0000 05 02 50     	GOLEFT  ENT2 0,5
2498     + 1051 05 45 13     	        LD5  TREE,5(LSON)
2499     + 1552 04 05 24     	        STA BUFFER,4
2500     + 0001 00 00 52     	        INC4 1
2501     + 1051 05 09 11     	        LD3  TREE,5(VISIT)
2502   ↓ - 0001 00 02 43     	        J3P  STAY      ;If we have visited the left branch already, visit the node itsel2503     + 2497 00 02 45     	        J5P  GOLEFT    ;If we can continue down the left subtree, do so.
2504 ←   + 1051 02 09 24     	STAY    STA  TREE,2(VISIT) ;Visit this node. Mark it as such.
2505     + 1551 04 05 25     	        ST1  BUFFER-1,4
2506     + 0000 02 02 53     	        ENT5 0,2
2507     + 0000 05 02 50     	GORIGHT ENT2 0,5       ;Here we attempt to go right (move to right son).
2508     + 1051 05 36 13     	         LD5  TREE,5(RSON)
2509     + 1552 04 05 24     	        STA  BUFFER,4
2510     + 0001 00 00 52     	        INC4 1
2511     + 2495 00 02 45     	        J5P  LOOP7
2512     + 1051 02 27 13     	        LD5  TREE,2(FATHER) ;There is no right son; move upward one level and continue.
2513     + 1551 04 05 31     	        STX  BUFFER-1,4
2514     + 2495 00 02 45     	        J5P  LOOP7
2515     + 1551 04 05 33     	        STZ  BUFFER-1,4
                             	*  Here we do the actual printing of the encoded traversal
2516 ←   + 0000 00 02 51     	LOOP8   ENT3 0
2517     + 1552 03 18 37     	LOOP9   OUT  BUFFER,3(PRINTER)
2518     + 0024 00 00 51     	        INC3 24
2519     + 0024 00 01 52     	        DEC4 24
2520     + 2517 00 03 44     	        J4NN LOOP9
                             	* Go back and read in a new request
2521     + 2380 00 00 39     	        JMP  CONTINU   ;This differs from START only in the printing out of 2 blank line                             	*
2522     + 000000 2382       	        END  START


                             	BLANKS      	+0
                             	N           	+24
                             	TPL         	+25
                             	LOG         	+49
                             	S           	+550
                             	TREE        	+1051
                             	ZEROS       	+3500
                             	VISIT       	+9
                             	BUFFER      	+1552
                             	DIFF        	+2352
                             	XOLD        	+2353
                             	K           	+2354
                             	TITLE       	+2355
                             	RSON        	+36
                             	LSON        	+45
                             	SONS        	+37
                             	FATHER      	+27
                             	FIELD       	+36
                             	LPAREN      	+42
                             	RPAREN      	+43
                             	STAR        	+46
                             	READER      	+16
                             	PRINTER     	+18
                             	CONTINU     	+2380
                             	START       	+2382
                             	LOOP1       	+2410	(2406)
                             	SKIP1       	+2407
                             	LOOP2       	+2422
                             	LOOP3       	+2440
                             	SETREE2     	+2454	(2447)
                             	LOOP4       	+2460
                             	LOOP5       	+2471
                             	LOOP6       	+2479
                             	LOOP7       	+2495	(2489)
                             	L7AA        	+2490
                             	LOOP7A      	+2491
                             	LOOP8       	+2516	(2492)
                             	GOLEFT      	+2497
                             	STAY        	+2504	(2502)
                             	GORIGHT     	+2507
                             	LOOP9       	+2517